Into the overwhelm…

“on a wing and a prayer”–idiom stemming from WWII; returning from a bombing run over Germany in a crippled plane, Ashcraft told his crew, “Those who want to, please pray.” The term describes doing something difficult or dangerous while relying on divine help.

Isaiah 41:10–Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Psalm 61:1-2–Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

My journals are insane…picture an ADD Salvador Dali (if he wrote as a side gig)…but what I lack in organization, I make up for in enthusiasm! Often I have a prayer on my heart that just won’t come out in verbal form (not in any cohesive fashion) and so I write “a letter to God;” from having discussed this with other believers, I know I’m not alone in this practice.

I feel led to share one today…but, first, an explanation…

Some mornings I wake up, and right after I thank my Lord for the gift of this day, for another sunrise, for another chance to do whatever work He needs me to do…RIGHT AFTER this special, intimate moment of peaceful golden light…


The world hits me like Rambo gutting out an enemy’s lair with an M60 in each hand (he never seems to run out of ammo…curious)…

Suddenly, I’m “into the overwhelm…”

And all I want to do is flop over, hide my head under the covers, and rock myself back to sleep (bonus if Mom comes in with a heading pad and rubs my back!).

It’s not a “to-do” list bombarding my brain…it’s a “must-do” list of such epic proportions that I can’t find a clear “where to start,” coupled with emotional baggage so weighty that even if I knew what the first step was, I’d be unable to take it.

It’s like waking up with the Matterhorn looming over you. In the pouring rain. And you’re barefoot. In pyjamas. With a boa constrictor trying to finish you off (too much? sorry, it’s my metaphor).

And. yet. you. must. begin.

Why do I need to be constantly reminded that the ONLY place to begin, the ONLY logical first step…is PRAYER?



I’m learning. I’m growing! Less “duhs,” more “ahas.”

Well, okay…maybe more duh’s that lead to ahas…

One day, a ray of “aha” pierced the dark cloud of overwhelm, and I reached for my journal…

“Lord, help. I’m feeling really overwhelmed and discouraged right now. I need Your help. Please calm me down and give me peace and help me through this day and these demands step by step. Guide me down Your path, a little at a time. Shine a light in front of me. I know WE can deal with these things together!

Thank You, Lord, for the help. I love You so much!!!”

I know. Short. Nothing earth-shattering. No new insights poised to rock the theological world…but it worked (meaning, I got out of bed with Him and everything I needed)!

And now it’s there, written out, whenever I need it (or feel called to share it!).

Call it a “prayer hack.”

Or “Step One.”

Matthew 17:20–…Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain ,”Move from here to there,” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.


Remember Who is higher than the mountain and charge ahead…

On a wing and a prayer.

Hack at your own discretion.



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