Beauty is one of the richest graces God has provided to heal our souls and absorb His goodness…You don’t need to travel far to find beauty. God has strewn it around the globe in such generous portions we have only to stop and notice.

–John Eldredge, “Get Your Life Back”

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.

–Psalm 19:1

My heart says of You, “Seek His face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek.

–Psalm 27:8

Out of ordinary days come moments where the loving awesomeness of God softly pierces you, shining through the beauty of His created world.

I’m getting better at recognizing…and recording…those instances…

whenever possible…if possible.

In some cases, there are no words.

In others…well, a girl can try…

A Moment…

Thank You, Lord, for the gift of a moment this morning.

As I rolled out my yoga mat, I noticed “gold” out of the corner of my eye…

“Is that golden light I see out there, Lord?”

So I got up to the window and looked out, and by some “trick” of the sunrise…where its light travels in unexpected ways…the rooftop and the treetops across the street were bathed in this amazing gilded glow…in some spots just the very tips of the top branches, winter black against the lightening sky, as though very gently set on fire, set alight, like candles, but in the awakening dawn rather than the black velvet of the night, like a “pre-sun” show before the big event, another day breaking and marching across the sky.


I just drank it in.

Thank You for a cup of Your living water in the form of a moment…

And, after its fading, the joy that remains.

–January 2022

If we awake with the intention of seeking His face…

of seeking Him…

we will find Him.

Sometimes the unseen can be seen.



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