Pause and pray…

-Is prayer your steering wheel, or your spare tire?

–Corrie Ten Boom

-Sometimes God says, “No.” Sometimes God says, “Slow.” Sometimes God says, “Grow.” Sometimes God says, “Go.”

–Greg Laurie, among others

-…We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?

–Romans 6:2

I stood there, contemplating something…”quasi-dishonest.”


I’d rationalized that the prescribed, “expected” approach was going to involve some cost and inconvenience…that could be completely circumvented with just one “inconsequential” action…no muss, no fuss…right?

The Holy Spirit responded with some serious nudging…

“It’s stealing. It’s unethical. It’s taking advantage. It’s using the trust that’s been given to you incorrectly.”

I countered…

“It’s no. big. deal! Other people do it. Really…why not? It’s not hurting anyone…”

Except me. Except my heart, my conscience, my integrity…alright, alright…my soul.


No, slow, grow, go…God was definitely saying “No.”

In this battle I must continually seek wisdom, guidance, and discernment that can only come from Him. Pause and pray…at any crossroads, in every moment of uncertainty. I need to carry to the Throne not just “the heavy stuff” (job issues, marital strife, health concerns…), but those numerous, daily challenges as well…no matter how trivial they might seem…

“Every decision that we make, every action we take, and every interaction we have is either moving us towards our goals or away from them, toward the mountain or away from it. How we spend our days becomes our life.” -Srinivas Rao

One prayer at a time. One choice at a time.

My life with Him is little steps taken…

and not taken.

And the choice…

within every choice…

to follow Him.



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